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Boditech Launches New Automated Immunoassay Analyzer with Blood Collection Tube at MEDICA 2021

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 15 Nov 2021
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Image: AFIAS-10 POC immunoassay analyzer (Photo courtesy of Boditech Med)
Image: AFIAS-10 POC immunoassay analyzer (Photo courtesy of Boditech Med)

Boditech Med (Gang-won-do, Korea) has launched its new automated immunoassay analyzer with blood collection tube, including an all-in-one cartridge system, at MEDICA 2021.

Boditech’s new POC immunoassay analyzer, AFIAS-10, is a unique integrated Sample-to-Answer system that can execute 10 parallel tests for each different parameter. AFIAS-10 provides a quick and simplified operation and reliable test result with automatically collecting a sample from a blood tube. Boditech showcased its range of parameters that can be executed on the AFIAS-10 covering the areas of cardiac, cancer, diabetes, hormones, infections and autoimmune, among others.

At MEDICA 2021, Boditech also showcased its total solutions for the diagnosis of COVID-19, including ExAmplar COVID-19 real-time PCR kit which comes in ready-to-use mixture and the user can use the reagent without mixing ingredients; the ExAmplex Influenza A/B SARS-CoV-2 PCR kit for the simultaneous PCR detection of COVID-19 and Influenza A/B; and the ExAmplex COVID-19 PCR 3-gene kit which detects two COVID-19 confirmation genes, and one Pan-corona gene with high accuracy.

Among other products, Boditech highlighted its ExAmplar compact real time PCR that detects virus/bacteria quantitatively or qualitatively using ready-to-use cartridges. ExAmplar employs relatively fast thermal cycles (~40 sec) and can deliver the DNA and RNA test results in 30 and 45~55 minutes, respectively. The system runs with dedicated 8-well plates. The reagents for the test come in a dry format, which one can store at room temperature. In addition, Boditech demonstrated the NuActor bench-top & automated nucleic acid (RNA/DNA) extraction system. NuActor is an automated nucleic acid extraction system, used with a ready-to-use cartridge that can be stored at room temperature as a table-top extractor. It can extract concentrated high-purity nucleic acids from a small volume of samples such as blood, cultured cells, and animal tissues quickly and easily.

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