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LGC Clinical Diagnostics

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Innovative New Technology to Provide Plastic-Exterior Components with Glass Interior, Presented at AACC 2015

A breakthrough technology now enables the manufacture of plastic exterior components with complete interior coverage of pure glass. Attendees of the 2015 AACC Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo are invited to visit Booth 3615 to learn about how the broad range of products envisioned from the application of this technology could provide numerous benefits, including for clinical science.   More...
24 May 2016

Novel Drug Testing Technology Featured at AACC 2015

The 2015 AACC Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo featured new science and novel technology in all areas of clinical diagnostics. Market researcher Kalorama Information attends the AACC meeting annually and notes developments for its reports on the in vitro diagnostic market. Here, Kalorama notes the presentation of a unique approach to drugs-of-abuse testing via a new technology for urine-based drug testing.  More...
23 Aug 2015
Image: The new “XylemDx” inkjet printing based technology turns a sheet of paper into any one of a variety of rapid, lower-cost tests. Each can be configured with a custom set of test modules before being folded concertina-style into the traditional test cartridge shape (Photo courtesy of Cambridge Consultants).

New Inkjet-Printed Diagnostics-on-Demand Demonstrated at AACC 2015

An inkjet-based innovation for high-tech printing on paper opens the door to lower cost, rapid ) POC testing, and was demonstrated during the 2015 AACC Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo.  More...
17 Aug 2015

Automated Molecular Diagnostics System Presented at AACC 2015

An automated molecular diagnostics system has been presented that automatically performs nucleic acid extraction and purification from a large panel of biological specimens, amplification and detection of the nucleic acid extracted by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, and result analysis.   More...
30 Jul 2015

Portable Molecular Diagnostics System Unveiled At 2015 AACC

The world's most portable molecular diagnostics system has been unveiled enabling unprecedented access to accurate, fast and potentially life-saving diagnosis for patients suspected of tuberculosis, human immunodeficiency virus, and Ebola in even the most remote areas of the world.   More...
30 Jul 2015

Expanded Steroid Control Launched at the 2015 AACC Annual Meeting

Expanded Steroid Control has been launched that now contains nine analytes of interest at clinically relevant levels for mass spectrometry and separation science technology.   More...
30 Jul 2015

Eco-Friendly Immunoassay Reagents Featured at AACC 2015

A pioneering eco-friendly product line of unique, high quality immunoassay reagents that contains no toxic biological or chemical hazards are being exhibited at the 2015 AACC Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo, in Booth 4017.  More...
29 Jul 2015
Gold Member
Fully Automated Cell Density/Viability Analyzer
BioProfile FAST CDV
Antipsychotic TDM Assays
Saladax Antipsychotic Assays
STI Detection Kit
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer
Shine i3000

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