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Image: A deep-learning system looks at breast cancer scans better than a human ever could (Photo courtesy of Pexels)

AI Pathological Analysis System More Accurate than Humans in Reading Digital Biopsy Images

There is a declining trend in the number of pathologists, or doctors whose specialization is examining body tissues for breast cancer to provide the specific diagnosis necessary for personalized medicine. Now, a team of researchers have made it their quest to turn computers into effective pathologists’ assistants, simplifying and improving the human doctor’s work. More...
05 Dec 2022
Image: 3E segmentation of ginger-root shaped necrotic lesions (yellow) and surrounding vasculature (red) (Photo courtesy of Africa Health Research Institute)

High-Resolution 3D Imaging Reveals Tuberculosis and COVID-19 Lung Lesions

Researchers have reported that a powerful imaging tool called microCT can be used to create a three-dimensional, or 3D, atlas of the spectrum of lung lesions in both tuberculosis and COVID-19, at near-microscopic levels. This gives unexpected insights into the unseen microarchitecture of the lesions within the context of the whole lung. More...
01 Dec 2022
Image: Breast cancer spread uncovered by new molecular microscopy (Photo courtesy of Wellcome Sanger Institute)

New Molecular Microscopy Tool Uncovers Breast Cancer Spread

Researchers have developed a new technology that can trace which populations of breast cancer cells are responsible for the spread of the disease, and for the first time highlights how the location of cancer cells could be as important as mutations in tumor growth. More...
10 Nov 2022
Image: Study results on new artificial intelligence predicts diagnostic concordance for melanoma (Photo courtesy of Proscia)

Self-Supervised AI Improves Diagnostic Accuracy for Melanoma with Low Pathologist Agreement

Study results on new AI that predicts diagnostic agreement for melanoma highlight the potential of the technology to improve diagnostic accuracy for this deadliest form of skin cancer and other diseases with low pathologist concordance. More...
09 Nov 2022
Image: Histopathology of lymph node tissue from a person with idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. Increased number of blood vessels and smaller germinal centers where immune cells mature in the lymph node, which are two of the pathology features needed to make the diagnosis (Photo courtesy of David Fajgenbaum, MD)

Independent Subtype of Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease Defined

Multicentric Castleman disease (MCD) comprises a heterogeneous group of rare disorders that exhibit generalized symptoms such as swelling of lymph nodes, anemia, fever, and fatigue. Idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (iMCD) is a type of Castleman disease that is not related to KSHV/HHV8 infection. More...
08 Nov 2022
Image: Researchers are using AI techniques to improve pathology workflow (Photo courtesy of Pexels)

Artificial Intelligence Methods Could Replace Histochemical Staining

A new deep learning-based fast virtual staining approach based on the autofluorescence imaging of unlabeled tissue sections could help avoid different laborious and time-consuming histochemical staining processes. More...
02 Nov 2022
Image: Claire Carter, Ph.D., an expert in MALDI, led the new research (Photo courtesy of CDI)

Advanced Mass Spectrometry Could Provide Microscopic Clues to Beating Deadly Brain Tumors

Glioblastoma is one of the most difficult cancers, let alone diseases, to treat. Now, scientists have discovered that a critical new pathway to treating brain tumor might be found in the complex diversity within the tumor tissue. More...
01 Nov 2022

The Pathology channel details advances in the field of Surgical Pathology and all its subspecialties, including Cytopathology and its subspecialties.
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